By popular request, now also as a service. The solution for everyone who finds the effort too great, who doesn't want to buy the equipment or want to test it first: I'll tune your chains with Molten Speed Wax.
In detail, this includes degreasing with various courses of benzine and the like as well as with an ultrasonic cleaning device with a full 240 watts of power until there is not a bit of the initial grease left. This is actually only intended for storing the chain in the shop and is the worst lubrication imaginable. If you have never heard of waxed chains, we recommend this and this in advance.
Attention: Depending on the quality, black or other colors can suffer and come loose. Ideally, like me, you also drive bare chains or live with colored ones with the color or coating coming off. That happens sooner or later anyway.
Then the chain and the lock you may have supplied go into the wax bath with Molten Speed Wax until the liquefied wax has seeped in everywhere. The chain is then hung up to harden, broken in again manually (note: this only happens on your bike!) and then sent back to you via insured shipping.
It's best to calculate with a little time and again the note: The offer here is only valid for brand new chains. I do not take road ridden or used older chains in my devices.
My tip: For the ultimate tuning, ride the new chain from the package for half an hour beforehand on the smart trainer and a completely clean drive, including skew, to polish it from the inside for the first time and drive out the grease. You'll be amazed at what comes out of black siff with brand-new chains!
I always do that with the chains I also offer for competition use, you can find this premium version here .
If you have any questions in advance: shop@derbaranski.de
If you want to get really deep into the comparison of different chain lubrications, we recommend these tests, good work by the guys from Velonews from the USA and from Zerofriction from Australia:
#chain tuning
#time trial hacks